Encouraging Observation – Or, Slow Down and Watch the Birds

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Encouraging Observation – Or, Slow Down and Watch the Birds

One of the best things about summer is the opportunity to spend time exploring nature with your children. The blog Carrots are Orange has great suggestions for studying the birds around your home – including creating a Montessori-inspired observation area. Follow these tips and the birds in your yard will get a much-appreciated treat, and…

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A Little Reading Every Day

Are you looking for some fun, interesting ways to keep reading a part of your child’s days this summer? In addition to regular book time together, these tips from Baan Dek Montessori in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, will help incorporate reading into your everyday activities to keep skills fresh.

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Summer Fun: Reading Aloud With Your Child

Summer is a great season to slow down and enjoy spending unstructured time with your child. One great shared activity for a relaxed summer day is reading together. This fantastic post on mariamontessori.com reviews the benefits specifically of reading aloud to your child, even after he has mastered reading himself.

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