Montessori Philosophy: Celebrating World Holidays with Your Child

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Montessori Philosophy: Celebrating World Holidays with Your Child

Montessori teacher guiding children through a lesson on different habitats using Montessori classification cards.

As a Montessori parent, you may be looking for new and creative ways to incorporate the Montessori philosophy into your family lifestyle at home. One of the ways you can do this is by developing an appreciation for different cultures by celebrating world holidays. Culture is a major topic of study in the Montessori curriculum…

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Montessori Education: Creating a Garden with Your Child

Montessori children practicing self-directed learning with math and language materials.

Nature is an important element of a Montessori education. When you watch a seed grow into a flower, you get to witness one of the many miracles of nature. In the same way, seeing something you nourish with the proper nutrients develop into something beautiful is exciting and gives you a sense of accomplishment. At…

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Developing the Whole Child in Montessori School

Children practicing fine motor skills by threading beads in a Montessori classroom.

In a Montessori education, one of the main emphases is on the development of the whole child. While a traditional school may focus mainly on developing a child’s cognitive abilities, a Montessori school, like Montessori Academy at Sharon Springs, aims to develop every aspect of a child. These aspects include the four major elements that…

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The History of Montessori Schools

A Montessori teacher demonstrating a lesson on buttoning and zipping using a dressing frame.

When considering a Montessori education for your child, it’s important to discover a little bit about the history of Montessori and how the method came to be. Developed over 100 years ago, the Montessori Method was the product of years of research conducted by the Italian physician, educator, and innovator Dr. Maria Montessori. Pre-Montessori Schools…

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The Benefits of Multi-Age Classrooms

Multi-age classrooms are one of the main features of Montessori schools that set them apart from traditional schools. A child in a Montessori school will be placed in a classroom not by exact age, but by his individual level of development. Typically, students are grouped according to which plane of development they fall into. The…

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Learning Through Nature: The Montessori Philosophy

Children working together on a large puzzle map of the continents in a Montessori geography lesson.

Nature provides one of the biggest driving forces of curiosity and exploration while offering rich sensorial experiences for children.  For this reason, nature has always been an integral part of the Montessori learning process. Montessori education draws a deep connection between nature and childhood development.  Children come to appreciate nature and all that it has to…

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Montessori vs. Daycare

Children practicing their concentration and fine motor skills with a beading activity in the Montessori classroom.

Montessori vs. Daycare When comparing child care options for your child, you may have some questions about the differences between a Montessori preschool and a traditional daycare. Every classroom is unique, even within the same educational system. However, there are some major differences between Montessori and traditional systems. Time: In a traditional daycare system, a…

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Practical Life – Part 3

Today we conclude our series on Practical Life.  One important aspect of the Practical Life environment is that all the materials used are real life objects. Maria Montessori was a great believer in the “reality” principle – objects and tasks should reflect real life, with instruments adapted to a child’s size and potentiality. The Practical…

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Parent Education: Practical Life – Part 1

Today we are looking back at a series that we posted back in the summer, Practical Life.  In a Montessori classroom, the Practical Life area is one of the first areas that a child explores. This section of the classroom provides the child with real-life materials that help to develop coordination, concentration, independence, and order.…

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