Montessori Primer: Interacting With Your Child in a Montessori Way – Part 2

Today, we continue exploring the benefits of interacting with your child in a Montessori way by examining two core values of a Montessori classroom: Structure and Stability.

Structure and Stability

Every family has its own structure. In a Montessori classroom, there is a schedule or rhythm that helps the children stay focused. Routines give children a sense of security and help them develop self-discipline. As humans we have many fears – one is fear of the unknown. Children are constantly confronted by change – change in themselves, the places they go, and the people they meet. With a predictable schedule, children feel safe to develop and master new techniques and adapt to changes. As a young child this adaptation may mean adjusting to a new babysitter; as the child matures, it may mean being prepared for a sleepover at a friend’s house. Constant, unpredictable changes erode the sense of safety for the child and lead to anxiety or an inability to adapt to change.

Structuring the child’s surroundings and developing a routine teaches children to how to control themselves and their environments. Children not taught this skill at a young age may find it difficult to care for themselves as adults. Structure allows the child to internalize healthy habits.

Join us on Friday as we explore our next opportunity to interact with your child in a Montessori way, Freedom Within Limits.